the main thing
Came to the realisation recently that my life has become too busy and too cluttered with jigsaw pieces of work, ministry, people, play. Theres always someone to meet, something to plan, some activity to enjoy, some errand to run. For awhile, I had the want-to-do-everything, be-everything-to-everyone & be-everywhere syndrome. And for awhile I liked it that way cos life felt… full. I felt like what I was involved in was meaningful, a balance of fun & service.
But somehow along the way, I started to lose control. Priorities got blurred as I grew tired, less focused. As I was sharing with my DG last wk, I am starting to feel the strain physically, emotionally & spiritually from this kind of a lifestyle. I run around so much I hardly have time to clear my room, return library books, clear bills, think through lessons, journal & be quiet before Him. I’ve heard it said before that the neatness of one’s room is a reflection of the owner’s mind & heart. If that’s to be taken seriously, then well things are kinda messy inside! :[
Which makes a re-think, re-org of my life & time very necessary at this point (hee, esp at the close of the year & beginning of another). I’m learning again that though there are many good things out there to do & experience, we cant do them all, much less simultaneously. Basic economic rule: there are unlimited wants (good things to be done & experienced) but limited resources (time, energy, emotions) so we all need to prioritise.
Also, through the book A Sinner’s Guide To Holiness, God’s teaching, reminding me to keep the main thing, The Main Thing. I’m only halfway through it but already im flooded with many serious lessons to apply & pray through – it’s highly recommended! [If I don’t give you one for Christmas, pls go buy one yourself haha :) its S$12.50 at Bookends]
What struck me so far…
Is perfection in Christ my goal in life? God’s goal for me in life is to share in His holiness (Heb 12:10-11), be conformed to the likeness of His Son (Roms 8:28-30). Not to be busy, happy, popular, engaged or overwhelmed by service. The goal of my life IS holiness. Everything I do has to be geared toward that goal. Nothing less.
John Chapman also outlines how we should progress toward holiness. It involves self-discipline & God’s discipline.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb 12:1-2
Throw off everything that hinders. Everything includes seemingly good things too.
“If at any time or in any circumstance the thing or activity gets in the way of growing like Christ, it is at that time or in that circumstance to be discarded…
(we are to) throw away everything which hinders us from following Christ to the best of our ability.”
The perfect message for me right now :)
Throw off sin that so easily entangles. Not just admit sin & ask for forgiveness, but to repent - actually renounce it & strive for it to end. I like how Chappo puts it, we are to be “self disciplined and ruthless toward sin…” Ruthless conveys utter disregard, absolutely no mercy toward the sin! very extreme, very cool but so very hard to do.
And through all this struggle against sin & God’s discipline, we can have the assurance of Roms 8:28-30 – that God will conform us to His likeness eventually & He will ensure the work is completed. I think thats a wonderfully comforting idea!
The summary of what struck me so far doesn’t do the book justice so pls go read it on your own :) we can even share & discuss thoughts on it tog ;)
Help me Lord to make the goal of holiness my personal goal. Don’t let me settle for mediocrity or superficiality, be distracted by unimpt things. Mold me, preserve me & keep me steadfast Lord cos I’m unreliable & weak on my own. Help us all to keep our eyes on You, the sustainer & perfector of faith & to press on in this race till the end. Amen.
At 10:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
:) am glad, pearlynies, to hear this. same prob applies a lot to me, as eels would point out.
Throwing off what hinders and entangles is often clear-cut in theory but harder in practice. Maybe it's because we find pleasure in those very things!
Much to think about.
bought A Sinner's Guide to Holiness at the Bookends sale, all inspired to go read it now :)
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