nerd alert
got this test off someone's site - im rather disappointed im not as nerdy as i thought! :( given the fact that i sat in the front row during tuts & ferociously took notes, you wld reckon my score wld be higher. not fair lar, the test comprised of mostly scientific qns. bet i cld be nerdier if it was artsy or on finance.
you folks should take the test & share how you fare! :)
At 12:59 PM,
K said…
I'm in the 97th percentile. But this test is not valid. Eg, what has the number of friends go to do with nerdiness? An being a nerd is different from being a geek or dork.
At 1:39 PM,
sheralynt said…
Mine's 59! Woohoo! Way to go in the middle! But yes, I fully agree that this test is completely invalid, why assume that there's only one kind of geek out there? I certainly don't know every startrek episode by heart (startrek, oh shudder), but I know the cubic timestable, I think that should qualify somewhere on the universal geek scale.
At 1:40 PM,
paddychicken said…
I agree, nerds can have friends too! I'm disadvantaged by my social life. Nevertheless, I'm still more nerdy than you ;p (88)
At 2:40 PM,
pearlywhirls said…
wah. i think ive gotta be the most bimbotic of us all then boohoohoo. i wanna be nerdy toooooooooo! *humph*
anyhow, check out the diff b/w nerds & geeks.
apparently a dork isnt a very smart person at all. go figure!
At 2:57 PM,
Chris said…
There. Happy? btw just to emphasise the point, it's better if u put "target=new" into ur link as in " find out!" target=new>" so that ppl get another window open when they click on the link, and ur blog will still be there.
At 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Rust is 32%. So low.Wannabe nerd.
At 5:19 PM,
K said…
It's ok Pearl, I'll share my "points" with you... BTW, check out this site for dorks...
At 6:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
mine is only 22% heehee..prob coz i've answered all the chemistry and physics questions wrongly...
At 10:06 PM,
Donovan said…
12% for me, probably reflective of my being the 10th person to comment.
I also think I was assisted by the question "What is the grossest thing in your room, right now", started looking for germinating/ sprouting fugus but settled instead for "some old food"
At 12:43 AM,
pearlywhirls said…
well done folks! :) now we know how we all weigh on the (inaccurate) nerd scale. inaccurate cos obviously im not as er-hem bimbo as a 13th percentile & don is definitely not as cool as a 12th. personally, id prefer to be mid-scale like a 54 or sth.
anyhow, ive got the most fun, responsive bunch of friends! YOU GUYS ROCK! :):)
At 8:58 AM,
Donovan said…
are you accusing me of lying???
I tried the test again last night and managed to improve my score by a massive's a bit like my GCE O'level Chinese, each subsequent re-take brings me closer to passing, albeit at snail's pace
At 6:41 PM,
paddychicken said…
Haha ... just for the heck of it I changed 3 answers to pretend my only social life was my computer and my score jacked up to 97%!
It also suddenly occured to me that those 2 pictures are NOT of historical scientists. I verified this using google. But when I changed those two answers, (from a guess to "i don't know"), the score went down. The conclusion is that if you are a nerd, you will pretend you know even if you don't.
At 10:56 PM,
K said…
Who are they?
At 3:08 PM,
pearlywhirls said…
yah paddy who are they?
and why are you retaking the test so many times?? you & don are so geeky and boliao. are you trying to score a perfect 100% or what?!
At 10:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hehe... I'm 34. But it's a pretty crap test.
At 8:56 PM,
shadow said…
Hey PW, so this is what you were talking about. :-)
Argh. Am Supreme Nerd God (96%) even with honest answers and all the going out on Friday nights.
Paddy C, they are historical scientists (unless i'm getting different pix from you). According to google images, the first chap in black-and-white is James Clerk Maxwell and the second in glorious colour is Isaac Newton.
At 11:53 PM,
pearlywhirls said…
haha youre nerd god alrite! you even managed to solve the mystery of the unknown photogs. hmm, i (& paddyC) were quite certain neither was newton or anyone that famous. guess you really surpass us all on the nerd scale... hahahaha ;)
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