wedding comebacks
attended another wedding at my previous church yesterday and thankfully, the post-wedding interactions were a lot more intimate than the last. by intimate I mean, genuine catching up vs hi-byes type of. i wasnt suffering from any wedding blues & was in fact in one of my cheerer moods (it helps that i wasnt pmsing - it really helps). so cheery i was engaging in natural conversation with everyone, even with you-know-who. things were going so well, i was caught off guard when affronted by the aunties near the buffet line. the conversation went sth like this: aunty 1: hey pearlyn *reaches out hand to shake* wah so pretty today ah… so nice to see you! how have you been? me: *shy smile, returning handshake* im good, im good, nice to see you too aunty aunty 2: so how, are you still working at ---? how’s work? how long have you been there? me: work’s okay, same-o same-o… [trail off] barely 20sec into conversation, one of buffet line auntys launched the dreaded question aunty 1: so pearlyn, when is it your turn? *sly comeonyouwanttotellme smile* mind races. first time ive been asked this since i was single! i had 1 of 3 options: i. *weak laugh, eyes cast to ground* no lar, ive got no boyfriend [look like a desperate loser girl, no life, no hope] ii. *confident laugh* not any time soon aunty! Ill surely tell you when the time comes! [too confident, might prompt more invasive questions along lines of "do you have a bf now? what does he do?" etc] iii. *smile nicely* don’t know. Ask God? [imply it was a rude question, not admitting current status, wont make me look too lame] i picked option 3. it worked – auntys laughed awkwardly & muttered, "yah thats true, heh heh" & directed me to buffet line to get food, the poor girl must be hungry. felt victorious & mildly relieved that i got away with most of pride in tact but still kind of surprised it came up. fact is, everyone in my old church community had been wise/kind up till that point to veer away from topic of relationships with me. also, ive been considering myself still young & not in the letsworryabthersheisntmarriedyet category. hmm maybe i am at the edge of the season where whenisityourturns & howcomeyoudonthaveabfyets torrents are coursing down towards me, hidden from behind the bend. hahaha thankfully i wasnt too affected. i related it in jest to my other twentysomething friends. sitting around, we decided there were two main questions that people tend to ask us at these weddings. the single people get the "when is it your turn?" While the (newly) married ones get the "when are you having a baby?" & "are you pregnant?" to which the smart (albeit slightly rude) retort someone had was: what colour is your underwear? you tell me then ill tell you if im pregnant. i wonder what kind of a response the auntys were looking for? how come they nothing better to do than to ask such insensitive questions? do they really want me to give a wedding date & whip out an invite onthespot? cant they see we arent wearing no engagement ring nor are our tummies wide with anticipation? given my wit eludes me esp in moments of dire need, im opening this up to the floor. i know my readers are far more sharp-tongued than i can ever be so humour me with good comebacks. i need to store up ammunition for the mass of weddings & dinners coming up! :) |
At 12:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm the 1st to read this, cos u told me excitedly that u were going to blog something tonight. So here goes...
An aunt has made it her lifelong duty to keep asking me that 'so impt' question: "Got boyfriend anot? When is your turn?" and years ago, I shot back: "Auntie, you dunno I turn lesbian meh? My mom didn't tell U? U want to meet my girlfriend? She's quite cool."
She shrieked, recoiled in horror and honestly turned pale. Of cos, I'm no lebanese and this happened b4 I returned to the arms of God. On hindsight, it is v rude.
But this aunty still hasn't given up. I love your "Dunno, ask God" answer. So when she next asks, that's going to be my retort with a wide smile. :)
At 1:36 AM,
The Rust said…
Well, strangely, I was asked the same question... from my own peers! And my answer was "I'll ask you the same question when I see you at a funeral."
Yes, I was rude. I'm not known for my politeness. I guess you can't answer that way to the aunties... so try this one "Well, Aunty, I'm totally discouraged by the many unfaithful marriages I see all around me. Hey, how's your marriage by the way?" I'm pretty sure they'll stop asking you for awhile...
At 2:59 AM,
K said…
Or, you can use my tactic. Give them a date in the near future and tell them you're working towards it.
At 10:17 AM,
Donovan said…
Tell me, why does Option 1 imply desperate loser girl, no life, no hope? Not enough "Sex and the city" empowerment for you I think.
Anyhow, if the aunty isn't married you can always say "Probably before you". Of course, if she is married then replace "you" with "Aunty [insert name of mutual single aunty-friend type person who looks likely never to wed]"
Or you can always laugh the question off and say "I'm waiting for [hot hunk pop/movie/sports star] to propose"
At 10:51 AM,
pearlywhirls said…
hahaha thanks for the contributions - all quite brilliant. personal fave is the lesbian one. ch you can be my 'partner' haha. it wld freak them right out!
option 1 wld be lame & loserly IF it was coupled with dismal expression. i was dramatizing lar! anyhow, im no big fan of sex & the city to begin with. its pro-feminism!!
At 11:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
I've always thought that questions as difficult as these are really the time to share Christ. I have no idea why but this is how I've answered it a few times (it varies depending on your on-going status).
Option 1 - when single
"You see, being single or married are really valid Christian lifestyles and marriage is really symbolic of Christ love for the church." - i think you know the rest of the story.
Option 2 - when seeing someone
"It is definitely something on my mind and you see, the human marriage is really symbolic of how Jesus loves His church. God really wants to have a relationship with us" - i think you also know the rest of the story.
The horrors of all these questioning from concerned individuals could sometimes be seen as intrusive by us helpless "victims" but it doesn't just end here. When you get married, it becomes "when can we expect a bundle of joy" and et cetera et cetera.
Anyway, the rest of the story really depends on whether the auntie/uncle/cousin/stranger gets tired of you or when you finish the story and its a good way to spend time with people and importantly reminding them of God' continuing grace and mercy towards us, focusing on what is important rather than pursuing worldly goals plus practice is always good. Especially when we're apt to just lash out and say something rude which may leave a strange after-taste.
But that's just me.
At 12:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Aunties ask because they are Aunties... you cant stop them.. its a reflex action... not because they want to invade or embarass. to them its like the shivers after a pee..and comes 2nd dont place too much blame on them.
if you catch yourself asking this question in the future.. pls slap yourself. i would if it were me. or i'd tell you and you can slap me.
anyway, this is my your question..
1) if i were in the queue of the buffet and the question was asked.. "So.. When is your turn?" i would just say "arent we in a line? my turn would be after this guy in the funny hat in front of me.. DUH!!"
they usually leave... but if they were persistant.. "i mean when is it your turn to get married?"
i have answered both b4...
"MEN are so troublesome... err.. i mean woman..*quickly turn away and pretend to aviod them*"
"i didn't know getting married was "turn" based.."
At 9:32 AM,
pearlywhirls said…
kelawar - what wise words :) thanks for that!
kor - haha i wasnt IN the line yet, i was about to queue when i got accosted by them.
ok deal. you can slap me. but then you probly wont be ard to witness me aunty-ing others hahaha
anyhow, building on your 2nd sugg, think "im still waiting for my queue no." also works ;)
At 10:41 AM,
Ms Carpe Diem said…
The scenes you mention are so familiar I can't help laughing out loud.
When my parents're not around, I typically go with the 'Within God's will and plan, singleness being also a gift from God' line (else I'll be subjected to weeks of 'bliss of married life' doctrination).
When they're, I'll go with the 'Waiting for you to introduce' with a naughty wink.
We've got to count our blessings though, ger, I think we'll mourn the day when aunties see the single us and keep a deliberate silence in this area (implication: Nobody wants u) - it does mean that they think we're too good to be kept single (from a worldly perspective).
At 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
okay...question..albeit a little off topic..
"Carpe : we'll mourn the day when aunties see the single us and keep a deliberate silence in this area (implication: Nobody wants u) - it does mean that they think we're too good to be kept single"
although i agree with you.. i cant see why we should be mouring..
if singleness REALLY was a legit EQUAL option given to us by GOD.. then why does one mourn when given this route? is it because we feel as though its a consolation prize? like..: "aiyah.. singleness is not anyless than getting married mah,,*console myself* *console myself*" or what? i realise that in most humans there lies a need to be wanted/loved/ or whateverelse tickles your fancy in this topic, but still.. its ironic.
At 3:31 PM,
pearlywhirls said…
thanks carpe - appreciate your thots! hehe i guess i shd try to view the aunty qns more positively :)
kor - aiyoh, can you pls dont bombard my friend? i totally know what she means. even tho singleness is an equal & legit alternative to marriage, it doesnt mean that one is totally absolved from wanting companionship, a partner, etc when single. yet i dont think the purpose of recognising singleness as an equal state to marriage is to console ourselves. its in the B-i-b-l-e.
aiyah we take it offline ok? :) can argue better in person, easier to throw tomatoes at you hehe
At 11:41 PM,
Ms Carpe Diem said…
Pearly, will do my best to keep this to be my last word, just clarifying.
Crippled: Not 'mourning' because one is single, but 'mourning' because the aunties are taking pains NOT to mention it because THEY perceive that it's a lost cause and don't want to hurt you.
A closer analogy is say due to changes in fortune your business and say thus you become a bankrupt. Suddenly, you realize the aunties around you are taking pains to avoid words and topics like 'bankruptcy', 'fortune' and 'money', it would make you feel uncomfortable wouldn't you even though your status in the eyes of God is still the same?
Anyway Crippled, if you want to discuss this further offline let me know.
At 1:17 AM,
paddychicken said…
I'd just reply with an innocent flutter of the eyelashes, "Do I really look of marriagiable age?"
But on the other hand, I think an opaque biblical answer would work pretty well too and who knows, it might be your first step to evangelism.
At 11:37 PM,
quop said…
i started using the "i don't know, but God knows" tact a few months ago, thanks to a rash of questioning when both my sisters got married in quick succession. my previous favourite before that was a variation on your option 1, which goes something along the lines of: aiyor, not yet got gf, how can tok about marriage leh??
anyhows, yes aunties (and other well-meaning? friends) will always ask these questions, just like parents will want to know who you're seeing / where you're going etc when you tell them you're "going out"... and even though half the time you may feel like saying "it's really none of your business", i don't think it's an excuse to be rude, or smart - hence i'm not sure the "lebanese" idea would be all that edifying :) - for i wonder if there should be a sense of "gentleness and respect" in all our "defenses", in the style of 1 peter 3:15-16...
At 11:59 AM,
BuckeyeBio Major said…
Best one I ever heard for a girl who is asked where her date is: " Oh he's back in the hotel room, he didn't bother to match his tie to my dress so he's sitting there thinking about what he did"
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