nasty secret dating & related thoughts
We all know how the internet teems with negative, tempting messages – the constant pop-ups, distracting images & words. Mostly prying on our desire for intimacy, mostly offering invalid, sinful alternatives that are irrelevant to us, His people.
I usually ignore & close away this nonsense. But while chatting online today (yah, they even have ads under instant msging boxes rite – every possible mode of bombardment has to be capitalised upon), this caught my eye.
Married Dating
Discreet dating for married people. Free sign up! MarriedS******.com is specifically designed for married people and singles looking for married people.
Unbelievable. What’s wrong with these people? There are now even advertisements to get married people to commit adultery?! Simply atrocious. I just can’t believe how blatant this is. ‘Married Dating’ in itself is an ironic phrase that would be unheard of or acceptable in the past. But now its plastered online, enticing married people out of their vows, providing an easy alternative out of the hardwork of marriage.
Convenient, free & specifically designed are its selling points. Discreet is another. Why bother being discreet if you are planning to trample on those promises anyway? Why would you be afraid of upsetting your spouse with the knowledge if you don’t already mind hurting him/her by fooling around? Ignorance is bliss? There is simply no logic.
‘Married people and singles looking for married people’. Why would you intentionally look to date a married person?? For excitement? For the thrill of doing something wrong? For the ease, lack of commitment? All probable but inexcusable reasons.
Guess its just another indication that the world we live in is truly warped & fallen. Very sad and very annoying at the same time. Perhaps this is what it means in Revelation to find comfort that God’s justice, righteousness will overcome in the end.
I struggled some with portions of Revelation (eg Rev 18:20) & Isaiah (cant find the ref!) where it talks about/calls on God’s people to rejoice at the judgment of God. I always felt rejoicing abt salvation was easy enough but found it hard to rejoice at the judgment of God against the evildoers cos it just felt… hypocritical. I was once of that kingdom, in that place, I have no right feeling happy that they will be punished since I could have been just like them. My DG’s explanation in our revelation studies helped abit in reconciling the two…
Its a sense of vindication, rejoicing that God’s ultimate reign, His righteousness will be reinstated over all creation. Rejoicing that His justice will be upheld, that all will be made right, be the way it was always meant to be. The world as it is now, the sinful ways of men, our own sinful inclinations as believers will be done away with & punished. Only difference is we don’t have to suffer the punishment ourselves cos we have Christ as Saviour.
So it isnt so much about rejoicing, gloating over the punishment due to fellow sinners or people who hurt, malign, martyr us. Its more rejoicing that God’s way will be upheld & His justice will be ultimately restored. Rejoicing as His people that those rebellious against Him will be dealt with, rejoicing for His glory. Its like rejoicing for your side, your team, your King that He wins overall.
Still, I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand I feel indignant when I see atrocious stuff like married dating being advertised, knowing more marriages will be broken because of nonsense like this. Hence looking forward to a time where all self-indulgent, bad living will be punished & eliminated. On the other hand, I feel sad & slightly hypocritical cos im not perfect myself & if not for His grace, I could be just as guilty of a compromising lifestyle. Even as a believer, I continue to struggle with sin frequently. Im in no better place to judge…
So, what does righteous anger look like? Is there a contradiction?
The words of the last 2 chapters of Revelation are comforting to me. Was deeply moved by the scene of heaven, the wonder & rest that is in store. And especially this part:
In the light of the mess that surrounds us, I really bid Him come."Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
"Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."
The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.
At 8:55 PM,
The Rust said…
my first reaction is to empathise with people who actually want to look for a date when they're married, or are struggling with such sins. in a fallen world, I've come to realise my sins are no better or worse than the smelly person next door. The times that I do feel superior (and i often do)is when I actually want to hide behind that facade.
I'm sure I am as fallable to murder, to adultery, to theft, to denying Christ as one who has already done it. I'm just not exposed or broken yet. I pray I never will. I pray we never be.
At 10:13 PM,
paddychicken said…
Hmm... I read somewhere that attached/married guys are much more attractive to women.
At 11:22 PM,
pearlywhirls said…
i may have come across slightly self-righteous in my moment of indignation - thats not accurately my stand. agree that my sins arent worse than that of the murderer or adulterer & i know in God's sight we are equally wretched... hence, empathy is a valid response to the individual who struggles with this.
my issue is really more with the entities/people creating, promoting & making accessible this idea of 'married dating'. i know people can find means & ways of failing their partners but that the world has grown so cold & warped to the point of such blatancy? it was shocking (rightly or wrongly) for me somehow.
love the sinner, hate the sin would be the best way to sum up my perspective. think that was Jesus' attitude to us so it shd be our attitude towards each other :)
At 12:57 AM,
Donovan said…
someone from my DG asked a similar question about rejoicing at the judgement of sinners
M provided the analogy of a mother rejoicing when a man is convicted of murdering and raping your child... imagine the same people doing it to your God
At 9:20 AM,
The Rust said…
no, don't think u sounded self-righteous pearl. worry not.
At 9:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
I like the analogy cited by Don :) Quite a good one.
Read somewhere that Revelation shows us that the salvation of God is so complete that it includes saving his people forever from his enemies and the fallen state of the world via final judgment. Hence salvation _includes_ judgment. That was a new thing to me, as I normally see judgement and salvation as polar opposites. :)
At 12:16 PM,
pearlywhirls said…
paddy - perhaps its the flaw of mankind to desire the forbidden. that or seeing a man playing out his duty well as a husband makes him more desirable than the single guy next door. in any case, lust (desiring what is not yours) is wrong & sth we all have to curb...
don & meef - you both raised points i never considered before so ill go ponder abt it :) hmm for now, do think the analogy M gave doesnt fit perfectly leh... but will muse more. thanks!!
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