my Potter & i

"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand..." jere 18:6

Monday, June 20, 2005

im back!

its been a karayzeee 2 weeks! madness since june 4: Eels & Eric’s wedding, my work trip to taiwan & church camp… havent had much time to myself really, to collect my thoughts much less blog. nonetheless, a much needed update coming right up! (given there’s much to share for each event, ill serve up one at a time :))

Eels & Eric’s Wedding

what can i say? it had to be one of the most beautiful weddings i’ve ever witnessed. you must think im biased of course, but hey it was the consensus on the ground :) all our efforts paid off! much to thank God for - the flowers gorgeous, the weather perfect, the crowd punctual, the parents calm, the photographers candid, the speeches funny, the friends generous (for their sake, i hope!), the dance lovely, the bride radiant, the groom proud & the night… just oh so sweet.

months & weeks of preps culminated at the ceremony where the two were joint with simple vows to each other, before God. gowns, flowers & candles aside, the core of the ceremony were the vows. marriage vows are both fragile and strong all at once. fragile cos its made by two very human, very fallible beings. strong cos (in a God-centred marriage) its held together by His sovereign hand.

within minutes, my dearest Eels became a Mrs Ting.

christian weddings never fail to strike a chord in my heart, stir up my tear ducts. ok besides the fact that im a real softie at heart, i get invites to sweet weddings AND touching thankyoumom/dad & iloveyouimsoluckyivegotyou speeches, the significance & beauty of the gift of marriage is just overwhelming. That marriage originated from our Maker… that He created the institution as a safe place for two to express their love & commitment for a lifetime. That marriage is but a shadow of the union between Christ and the Church… I cannot really fathom what that means till the day i meet Him. but I await, along with others alike, with great anticipation & excitement :)

wish I had more pics to show but I cldnt snap away with my digital miu given i was willing servant girl during ceremony. will work on scanning in good ones from the others ;)


and now Mrs Ting, how is married life treating you? :) hope the Brisbane wedding went well. Miss you already!


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