my Potter & i

"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand..." jere 18:6

Friday, April 15, 2005

courage & choices

courage is not the lack of fear. it is acting in spite of it.
~mark twain

im struggling with certain choices this week... in the midst of mulling, ive encountered the issue of courage. what does it mean for me, a child of God, to be courageous?

some who displayed courage in the bible include abraham, david & of cos Jesus himself. they each acted against human weakness, fear & stepped out in faith to do what God called them to. so is courage = faith for the believer? i think so. faith in who God is & what He promised was what allowed these men to do what they couldnt or wouldnt naturally do.

so where does that leave me? perhaps it isnt so much abt courage as it is discernment. discerning if the choice i want to make is what He is calling me to or simply my own willing. id have courage to do the hard thing when i know its where He's leading...

grant me wisdom, Lord to make the right choice, a choice that doesnt compromise our relationship. a choice that demonstrates faith in You, Your goodness, Your ability to provide according to my needs. give me clarity as i discern whats wise & not. give me courage to face the tough road if thats whats necessary to grow me.


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